Eye Consultants of Colorado

Adult Eye Exams in Conifer

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When Was Your Last Eye Exam?

It should come as no surprise that your eyes undergo a range of conditions that could affect your eye health and comfort as you age. However, with our incredible eye care team’s help, we help find meaningful solutions to your eye issues so you can get back to enjoying clear, comfortable vision.

Please, book an appointment with our team today!

What Is an Eye Exam?

A complete eye exam involves a series of tests designed to evaluate your vision and check for eye diseases.

At Eye Consultants of Colorado, our mission is to preserve, enhance, and perfect the vision of our mountain community.

It is recommended that adults and seniors have their eyes examined every year. This short appointment gives us the tools we need to ensure that we remain on top of your eye health to counteract and treat eye diseases as soon as they develop.

When it comes to your eyes, prevention is the best medicine.

What to Expect from Your Eye Exam

We check the position and movement of your eyes and the clarity of your iris and cornea.

You will be asked to follow an object to gauge your eye’s movement. We are checking for muscle abnormalities or uncontrolled movements.

This test will identify your visual acuity, as measured in a fraction (such as 20/20). The top number refers to your distance from the eye chart, usually 20 feet. The bottom number indicates the distance at which a person with normal eyesight could correctly read the line you read.

For example, 20/20 vision means that you can see objects clearly from 20 feet away that a person with normal vision could see clearly from 20 feet away. However, if your visual acuity is 20/50, the line you read correctly at 20 feet could be read with normal vision at 50 feet.

This helps us determine the appropriate corrective lens prescription to give you the sharpest vision. We may use a state-of-the-art computerized refracting system to measure your eyes and estimate the prescription you need to correct a refractive error.

A visual field test measures the area that your eyes can see without moving. This test identifies any problem areas or blind spots in your field of vision.

Using a microscope and an intense light source, we examine your cornea, iris, lens, and your eye’s anterior chamber.

Tonometry is a tool that measures your internal eye pressure.

This test examines the back of your eye, including your retina, optic disc, choroid, and blood vessels.

If needed, we may dilate your eyes for this test. This will prevent your pupil from closing when exposed to light, allowing us to see the entirety of your eye interior. Your eyes will remain dilated for several hours after the exam and will be sensitive to light. You may not be able to go back to work immediately after the exam.

Managing Eye Diseases

Many eye diseases develop without any symptoms during their early stages. Glaucoma, for example, has earned its nickname of “the silent thief of sight” among the optometric community because the (permanent) vision loss it causes is often overlooked until the patient has tunnel vision.

The only way to catch developing eye diseases before they cause irreparable vision loss is through regular comprehensive eye exams.

Vision Loss May Be Preventable but Never Reversed

When it comes to your eyes, prevention is key. Most forms of vision loss—such as loss via glaucoma or diabetic retinopathy—can’t be reversed. In most cases, if detected and treated early, negative impacts from eye diseases can be greatly minimized and managed.

Advanced, precise diagnostic equipment, such as the optical coherence tomography (OCT) scan, enable us to detect the onset of developing eye conditions at their very earliest.

We Submit Directly to Your Insurance

As a courtesy to our patients, we can file insurance claims for those insurance plans we participate in, including:

  • Aetna
  • Blue Cross Blue Shield/Eyemed
  • Eyemed
  • Rocky Mountain UFCW/Zenith
  • United Health Care
  • VSP
  • Rocky Mountain Health

Book Your Appointment Today!

Start your eye care journey today and book your appointment at Eye Consultants of Colorado. We can’t wait to help you.

Our Location

Visit our award-winning location today! You can find our practice right on Main Street, next to Safeway. We offer ample free parking with accessibility options for our patients.

Our Address

Suite 220, 27122 Main Street
Conifer, CO 80433


Phone: (720) 410-5325


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