Eye Consultants of Colorado

Computer Vision Syndrome Relief in Conifer

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We are living in a digital age. Everything from our entertainment to how we connect with friends and family is, in some way, dominated by digital technology. So much so that most people can’t make it through their day to day without needing some digital device to assist them.

And even though these devices are making our lives easier, there is one thing we rely on more than anything else to use them: our eyes.

Our eyes are essential for using these devices, but they can fatigue over time and eventually start feeling uncomfortable. This condition is known as computer vision syndrome, and there are many different ways we can help you alleviate its symptoms.

If you’re looking for comfortable eyesight while using your favorite digital devices, all you have to do is book an appointment and let our team take care of the rest!

What Causes Computer Vision Syndrome?

Even though the condition is known as “computer vision syndrome,” the symptoms you’re experiencing aren’t necessarily caused by the screens themselves—they’re caused by focusing on up-close work for a long time.

Generally, when on a computer or performing close-up work, people tend to blink less often. Up to 66% less often, in fact. Blinking is essential to keeping your eyes healthy and hydrated; so, we can experience computer vision syndrome when we don’t blink enough or correctly.

Some common computer vision syndrome symptoms include:

  • Difficulty focusing and concentrating
  • Dry eye symptoms
  • Blurry vision
  • Neck and shoulder pain
  • Light sensitivity

Shining a Light on Blue Light

Blue light has been part of the computer vision syndrome conversation for a long time, but research suggests that it may have far less of a role in computer vision syndrome than previously thought. In fact, recent studies have found that blue light has less of a relationship with computer vision syndrome and more with sleep deprivation.

Blue light comes from many sources, including digital devices, but the largest blue light producer is the sun. Your body uses blue light to control your circadian rhythms, allowing you to achieve regular sleep patterns. However, because digital devices also emit blue light, these devices can disrupt your normal sleep patterns, leading to sleep loss.

To minimize the impact blue light can have on your sleep, ensure you’re limiting the amount of time spent on digital devices for a couple of hours before going to bed.

How Can You Manage Computer Vision Syndrome?

The 20/20/20 rule is a common exercise you can perform to help alleviate symptoms of computer vision syndrome. Every 20 minutes, relax your eyes by looking at something about 20 feet away for at least 20 seconds. This gives your eyes a chance to blink and relax before diving into your next session of up-close work.

How you sit at your desk can impact your vision while you work. To help maintain comfortable eyes:

  • Keep your monitor about an arm’s length away and slightly below your line of sight.
  • Adjust your seat so that your knees are level with your hips.
  • Keep your hands level with your elbows while you work.

Artificial tears are another fantastic way to alleviate your computer vision syndrome symptoms quickly. However, make sure you speak to one of our doctors before purchasing any over-the-counter products.

Let Us Help Today!

Are you looking for relief from computer vision syndrome symptoms? Please, book an appointment and let our team help you find the strategies you need to achieve comfortable eyesight today!

Our Location

Visit our award-winning location today! You can find our practice right on Main Street, next to Safeway. We offer ample free parking with accessibility options for our patients.

Our Address

Suite 220, 27122 Main Street
Conifer, CO 80433


Phone: (720) 410-5325


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