Eye Consultants of Colorado

Dry Eye Therapy in Conifer

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Is Our Mountain Climate Causing Dry Eyes? We Can Help!

Dry eyes is a common condition that arid climates like ours can exacerbate. It is the most common disease that we see in our office.

It can be a frustrating condition for its sufferers, especially if traditional treatments are ineffective.

Are your eyes constantly red? Are your contact lenses uncomfortable? Does your vision intermittently get blurry? Get the help you need and book your appointment with our team today!

Our Revolutionary Dry Eye Solution

Call to set up a consultation with Dr. Scot Morris, a renowned dry eye expert, to determine if you are a candidate for this revolutionary new drug-free, drop-free treatment for all types of dry eye. Dr. Morris has lectured worldwide and has a unique combined eastern and western medicine approach to treating dry eye and ocular surface diseases.

Call now to experience your world with clear eyes and excellent vision.

What Are Dry Eyes?

Caused by a lack of lubrication of the eye, dry eyes can have meaningful impacts on your ability to work and play. Proper lubrication is critical for good vision and a healthy and comfortable eye surface.

Anyone can experience dry eyes, though heavy computer users, post-operative surgical patients, contact lens wearers, and those over age 55 are prone to contracting it. It can occur over short periods, such as when caused by certain medications, or can last for weeks, months, or longer.

Symptoms & Causes

When the body cannot make enough tears to protect the surface of the eye, you may develop eye infections, inflammation, or corneal ulcers. If your tears are of poor quality and evaporate quickly, this can also cause dry eyes. Dry eyes lead to a variety of symptoms that affect both comfort and vision.

An arid environment and prolonged reading or computer work can often cause the tear film to evaporate. Dry eyes can also be caused by hormonal changes, allergies, auto-immune diseases, eye surgery, contact lens wear, and eye infections. Drugs like oral antihistamines, antidepressants, or hormone replacement therapy can also lead to dry eye symptoms. Other environmental factors, such as exposure to cigarette smoke or chemicals, can also stimulate dry eye symptoms.

With dry eyes, you may experience:

  • Blurry or hazy vision
  • Itchy, gritty, or burning sensation in your eye
  • Eye fatigue, especially when using a computer
  • A stringy discharge from the eye
  • Eye pain
  • Redness of the eye, eyelids, and surrounding tissue
  • Excessively watery eyes

Diagnosing & Treating Dry Eye

An eye exam is the first step in diagnosing dry eyes. During this exam, we analyze the volume and quantity of your tears.

There are many therapies available for treating dry eyes by either increasing the quantity or quality of your natural tears or providing extra lubrication. The right treatment for you is dependent on the cause of your dry eye condition.

Common therapies include artificial tear preparations, lubricant ointments, and mechanisms for the partial or total blockage of the tear ducts (called punctal occlusion). More advanced therapies include nutritional supplements and both oral and topical medications, such as Restasis®.

Many conditions may take a few months of treatment before you notice an improvement in symptoms. Dry eyes may require daily treatments. Therapies are intended to control or eliminate the symptoms, maintain and preserve visual acuity, and prevent complications secondary to inflammation and drying of the ocular surface.

Wash Away Your Dry Eyes Today!

Don’t let dry eyes take control of your life. Please, book an appointment and we can help find the strategies that work best for you!

Our Location

Visit our award-winning location today! You can find our practice right on Main Street, next to Safeway. We offer ample free parking with accessibility options for our patients.

Our Address

Suite 220, 27122 Main Street
Conifer, CO 80433


Phone: (720) 410-5325


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