Eye Consultants of Colorado

Refractive Surgery Consultations in Conifer

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Restore Your Vision without the Need for Corrective Lenses

Laser refractive surgery is a safe, affordable, and well-studied surgical procedure that corrects vision for many refractive errors. The procedure itself may take less than 10 minutes per eye, and the results can last a lifetime.

If you have a refractive issue like nearsightedness, farsightedness, astigmatism, or presbyopia, laser refractive surgery may provide you with the lens-free vision you are looking for.

Before you can receive surgery, a consultation is required to assess your candidacy. We are refractive surgery experts and will provide you with the appropriate information and guidance.

Book an appointment to schedule your consultation today.

Eye Conditions Corrected by Refractive Surgery

Refractive surgery can correct multiple eye conditions. The most common are:

Myopia, also known as nearsightedness, can make it difficult to see objects at a distance, though you can see near distances.

Hyperopia, also known as farsightedness, is a refractive error that makes it difficult to see up close, such as when reading or working at the computer. However, your distance vision is not affected.

Astigmatism prevents light from coming to a single focus on the retina. This error can create distorted, blurry, or fuzzy vision.

Determining Your Candidacy for Surgery

During one of our refractive surgery consultations, we will determine if you are a good candidate for refractive surgery and find the procedure that would provide you the best results for your vision. We will perform a thorough eye exam that includes:

  • Review of past medical history
  • Review of past ocular history
  • Corneal topography: measures corneal curvature and shape
  • Corneal pachymetry: measures corneal thickness
  • Measurement of refractive error (prescription)
  • Measurement of tear production
  • Measurement of pupil size
  • Biomicroscopic evaluation of all ocular structures to determine overall eye health

During your consultation, you will be provided with information regarding the various procedures for which you are a candidate and the results from your examination.

Types of Refractive Correction

LASIK (laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis) surgery is the most popular and highly advertised refractive vision correction. A laser and microkeratome are used to reshape your cornea to correct refractive errors.

LASEK (laser epithelial keratomileusis) and PRK (photorefractive keratectomy) procedures are similar to LASIK, except that a tissue flap is not created. The laser treatment occurs on the surface of the eye after removing the outer layer of cells.

LASEK and PRK are suitable for those with corneas that are too thin or too curved to be good candidates for standard LASIK. With LASEK and PRK, healing time is slightly longer than with LASIK, with results occurring 4 to 7 days after the operation.

People with extreme nearsightedness or farsightedness may not be suitable candidates for LASIK. Still, they may benefit from a verisyse phakic intraocular lens, or phakic intraocular lens, which is a special contact lens implanted behind the cornea.

If you have good distance vision and are tired of your reading glasses, conductive keratoplasty, or CK, may be perfect for you. CK utilizes localized radio-frequency energy to gently reshape the cornea. This simple, non-laser procedure requires no tissue removal. Conductive keratoplasty can significantly improve reading vision in patients who are good candidates for this procedure.

What to Expect from Surgery

The procedure itself takes approximately 10 minutes per eye, with most of that time dedicated to preparing for the actual procedure. The laser process itself only takes about 15 to 60 seconds.

During the procedure:

  • The ophthalmologist (eye surgeon) will numb your eye and surrounding tissue.
  • A flap will be cut into the cornea using a microkeratome or laser keratome.
  • You will be asked to focus on a single point—usually a light—during the operation. This is not the laser correcting your vision, but rather a single point that will keep your eyes steady during the procedure.

Once finished, you will be sent home with an eye shield and instructions on what to expect over the coming days, weeks, and months.

Book Your Consultation Today!

If you believe refractive eye surgery is right for you, please book a consultation with our team today!

Our Location

Visit our award-winning location today! You can find our practice right on Main Street, next to Safeway. We offer ample free parking with accessibility options for our patients.

Our Address

Suite 220, 27122 Main Street
Conifer, CO 80433


Phone: (303) 838-9165


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