Eye Consultants of Colorado
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Did Covid-19 Affect Your Eyes?

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Written by Scot Morris

Dr. Morris, a nationally renowned expert on dry eyes and technology, brings an unparalleled level of experience and expertise to our mountain community. He is a featured international speaker and educator on various subjects, and his enthusiasm for teaching shows through in his everyday interactions with his patients. He also has multiple publications, both professional journal articles and books to his credit. He also directs an ophthalmic consulting service, Morris Education & Consulting Associates, and is a founder of 4ECP’s. He is a member of the American Board of Optometry, the Colorado Optometric Association, and the American Academy of Optometry. He currently serves as the Chief Optometric Editor for Optometric Management. In 2015, he was voted one of the 50 most influential people in the eye care industry. He received his Doctor of Optometry from Indiana University in 1996. After his externship at Bascom Palmer Eye Institute in Miami, he completed a residency in ocular disease and refractive surgery at Triad Eye Medical Center in Tulsa, OK. He then served as the cornea and refractive clinical director of Discover Vision Centers, a multidisciplinary subspecialty practice in Kansas City, for 5 years before moving to Colorado in 2002. He worked at a refractive surgery practice in Denver for 2 years before buying the optometric practice in Conifer in 2004. He lives in Conifer with his wife Kelly, and two sons, Drew and Aiden.
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